Arts and crafts · Moments of Mummy clarity

Finding Order

I’m sure every mom can relate to the struggle of trying to keep the kiddies toys and books and puzzles in some semblance of order and making it resemble anything bordering neatness!

Previously I used to buy storage bins but they just seemed to cause more chaos, as all the toys were dumped into them, and very quickly got swallowed into the chaos. That means that when the kids were looking for one thing in particular they would have to go through the entire box (read as tip out everything from the box onto the floor!) before they found it. That resulted in me getting annoyed by the stuff on the floor, and them getting annoyed by me nagging them to clean it up! As to be expected, there wasn’t much fun to be had thereafter…

I decided then to sort the toys in separate categories and organise them into smaller boxes. A half hearted attempt at searching for such boxes proved futile. Also around this time, we were clearing out the garage and I came across this huge collection of round plastic containers (yep the kind you get when you buy homemade biscuits 🙂 ) instead of throwing these out, I decided to recycle them…well, up-cycle, and re-purpose them.

Storage ideas
This is what I did:
1. Do a google image search for an appropriate picture/ border. I settled on 2 different patterns.
2. Print these out, and cut them to size.
3. Make sure containers are washed clean, and properly dried.
4. Using thick sellotape, we ‘self-laminated’ them onto the containers. Little Miss helped.
5. The end result was much nicer than I imagined.

IMG-20151105-00922We used one for ‘kitchen toys’, one for cars, one for doll dresses, ect. They were then stacked up on the shelves in her room. Now we just need one small container at a time, clean up is easier, and the rooms are more organised too!

19 thoughts on “Finding Order

  1. Brilliant.

    I love the up-cycling concept. It can be frustrating when children empty all of their play stuff from a container while trying to find a little thing. Never seems to bother them though.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Brilliant. I love the up-cycling concept.

    It can be frustrating when children empty all of their play stuff from a container while trying to find a little thing. Never seems to bother them though.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Sounds like a great solution! I’m not a mother but keeping my own stuff in order is sometimes a large headache! Just last week I was making some stands/holders for my bracelets and bangles – upcycled a bunch of kitchen paper rolls into cool fancy stuff 🙂


  4. This is a great idea. I also prefer to have the toys all sorted into smaller boxes than all stuffed messily into a toybox. I also put some toys in open baskets for the children to access easily. You can rotate the toys that are in the baskets.


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